The Bennington Composite Squadron (VT-034) of the Vermont Wing, Civil Air Patrol (CAP), has promoted Cadet Kale Bushee to the rank of Cadet/Staff Sergeant. The recognition recognizes C/SSgt Bushee’s extraordinary performance in the newest squadron in the Vermont Wing and distinguishes him as the first Non-Commissioned Officer in that unit. CAP has an extensive cadet program nationwide, available to youth between 12 and 19 years of age.

C/SSgt Bushee’s new rank follows comprehensive tests on leadership, physical fitness and drill performance. His promotion was awarded along with the Wright Brothers Award, the first of five milestone awards in the CAP cadet program. In addition to his cadet leadership duties, C/SSgt Bushee will receive training in professionalism, conflict resolution, stress management, and other skills,
“C/SSgt Kale Bushee epitomizes the Core Values we try to impart to all of our cadets and senior members. He leads by example and has emerged as a cadet who was taught, but now is one who teaches—a tremendous responsibility,” said Capt Hal Friday, Deputy Commander of Cadets in the Bennington Composite Squadron.
C/SSgt Bushee is a sophomore at Mount Anthony Union High School, where he is a nominee for the Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Seminar, a national program that seeks to inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service, and innovation. He was Bennington Composite Squadron’s first CAC representative at VT Wing and remains the alternate in that position. C/SSgt Bushee aspires to a career in law enforcement.