Touch and Go on Arrakis – Microsoft Flight Simulator Dune Expansion Review

I love it when there are collaborations between Microsoft Flight Simulator and other brands. Over the last couple of years, we’ve seen the Top Gun Maverick content added which featured a lot of low altitude flying challenges with an F-18 – talk about great content as those challenges were mighty fun to do. I’m still happy I ended up near the Top 50 in the world on those challenges! We also had the Red Bull Bullseye Landing Challenge added to the sim. Additionally, we saw something a bit different as a fictional aircraft from the Halo universe was added, the Pelican.

Whether its collaborations based on real flight events, fictional events with real aircraft, or even fictional aircraft – I’m all for it! Thankfully the collaborations continue as Microsoft has teamed up with Legendary to release the Microsoft Flight Simulator Dune Expansion, and guess what, it absolutely does not disappoint!

The Microsoft Flight Simulator Dune Expansion is now available for free for both Xbox Series S/X and PC players. This is the first time in the 40+ years of Microsoft Flight Simulator that sim pilots can experience flying along the terrain of another world. The Dune Expansion adds 5 ‘Touch and Go’ Challenges and 1 Rescue Mission for players to partake in. Pilots get to fly the famous Royal Atreides Ornithopter from the Dune movies, an aircraft that features oscillating wings, afterburners, and exceptional control for traversing the world of Arrakis.

Dune Expansion – Canyon Rush Challenge

My first impressions of piloting the Royal Atreides Ornithopter were great – and that great experience got even better as I grew more familiar with it. The aircraft feels incredibly responsive and easy to control. This makes performing the touch and go challenges a lot of fun and honestly not all that challenging due to the superb control. However, the challenge will come in the form of how fast you can do it though. The faster you can touch and go and proceed to the next touch point will mean a higher ranking at the end of the challenge and a better overall seat on the leaderboard. Each challenge has 3 points for the player to touch down and then proceed to the next location. The third landing site is the final where you just need to touch down and conclude the challenge.

As mentioned, the Ornithopter is incredibly fun to fly, and it won’t take pilots that long to grow familiar with it. It features a short-fueled afterburner that if used constantly won’t last throughout the challenges. So, pilots will want to find the ideal times to use it (usually during take off to get back up to speed). It’s also fun gauging the power of the airbrakes – I’ve had a blast going into landing sites at full speed and then at the last second pulling out the landing gear and hitting the airbrakes for a perfectly timed quick landing. Obviously, go slow to begin and get familiar with the aircraft, but it’s so much fun – so much fun!!! – once you get familiar with it and go storming into landing sites. It makes these time-based challenges very enjoyable.

The other great thing about the Dune Expansion is that all of these missions are done on the world of Arrakis. It’s a new, sandy terrain to get used to and master. The lower you fly along the sand the faster you’ll go. Also, there are caverns for pilots to navigate in some of the missions and, of course, steep drops in elevation for pilots to engage the Ornithopter’s dive mode to quickly reach the ground below. As if the ‘thopter wasn’t already exciting enough to fly, but then add in the dive capability and my goodness – let’s go!! Check out the video below that features the dive functionality of the Ornithopter.

Dune Expansion – Mountain Dive Challenge

Each of the challenges ensures pilots get the full experience of the Ornithopter. Plus, the final mission concludes with a sandstorm and relies on everything taught in the prior challenges to prepare the pilot for a successful run in the rescue mission. It’s important to be as quick as possible otherwise pilots will get caught up in the sandstorm and fail the mission.

If you are a fan of Dune, then I can’t imagine any reason why you wouldn’t take flight immediately with the Royal Atreides Ornithopter in the Microsoft Flight Simulator Dune Expansion as it’s incredibly satisfying to fly! Even though the content can be completed fairly quickly, it’s absolutely a great addition to the sim. Plus, pilots can continue going back for more to better their rankings and scores for the leaderboard. And best of all, pilots can also take the Ornithopter anywhere on Earth as it is selectable from the aircraft menu.

So, who wants to be the first pilot to take the Ornithopter to Oshkosh for AirVenture 2024? Maybe I’ll do that next, but the first place I took it was to the Grand Canyon!

Flying the Ornithopter around the Grand Canyon

My First Flights with the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition Flight Stick

I’ve been playing aviation themed games and flight simulators since the 90s. Yet, rarely during that time have I spent it playing with a flight stick. Having been more of a console player during the late 90’s and 2000s meant primarily playing with a controller even though there were options available for flight sticks on video game consoles. Still, I only ever recall playing a game in the late 90s on PC called F-22 Lightning II by NovaLogic and using a PC based flight stick for that experience. Of course, I recall having a great time being able to fly the latest fighter jet designed for air superiority, the wonderful and amazing F-22, while using what was probably the first flight stick I ever owned. I poured so many hours into that game!

So, the question I ask myself is why didn’t that experience lead me to continue upgrading to newer flight sticks with all the latest flight games that have been released over the years? I’ll never know, really. However, I did eventually get my hands on a couple more flight sticks in the early 2010s – over 15 years later. I got the Pacific AV8R that came along with Damage Inc. on Xbox 360 and the X-55 HOTAS which I primarily used for War Thunder. Both of those flight sticks were fantastic as well and played wonderfully well with both games, but neither game kept me coming back for more which is why both flight sticks got retired to a shelf.

Let’s now fast forward to 2020 and the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Obviously, with my love and passion for aviation, I immediately picked it up and started exploring the new world – all by controller. Now, I had a blast over the past 3+ years playing Microsoft Flight Simulator by controller. It actually works very well. However!! I’m now learning – or being reminded of – just how accurate and overall enjoyable it is to fly with an actual flight stick.

Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick & TCA Quadrant + Add-on Airbus Edition

With my passion for the world of aviation simulators and aviation inspired video games, it’s time I started taking flight sticks a lot more seriously again. As I mentioned above, the precision and accuracy you can achieve from a flight stick is superior to that of a controller and I pretty much instantly found that out again during my first few flights with the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick – Airbus Edition.

I just recently got my hands on the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick – Airbus Edition as my first flight stick that I’ve paired with Microsoft Flight Simulator. I also acquired the TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition and add-on to go along with the flight stick. The TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition with add-on features the throttle, flaps, airbrakes, engine controls, parking brake, trim, gear up/down, and more. So, I’m all set for a great flight experience!

The moment I had the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick and TCA Quadrant + Add-ons set up, I immediately started to giggle just a little bit as I excitedly anticipated my first flight with this setup. The greyish/blue theme with black controls, along with the Airbus branding, simply looks sharp on both the stick and controls. Plus, the quality of the parts feels good to operate and stable to use in a desktop environment. Also, just to note, this setup can be used for both PC or Xbox Series S/X.

The other nice feature with the TCA Quadrant is that if you decide to pick up the add-on piece that contains the flaps, airbrakes, gear, etc. is that it’s easy to attach to the core throttle piece making the setup incredibly user-friendly.

Once I had everything set up and ready to go, I first decided I should just jump into some of the landing challenges with the Airbus A320 just to quickly get a feel for the flying. It honestly didn’t go so well at first and I scored pretty poorly over my first number of landing attempts. But as I kept restarting I would continue to improve as I got a better feel for the overall controls. I actually really appreciated having dedicated controls for the flaps and airbrakes too rather than just down on the d-pad with a controller.

After doing multiple landing challenges I figured it was time for a quick take off and landing. It was time for the full experience! This is when the best feeling sets in when flying with a flight stick and controls. Sitting at the start of the runway, ready for takeoff, and then pushing the actual throttle forward to get moving – it’s the best! No more boring A button on a controller to up the power, it’s all throttle forward on the Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant and ready for playing in the skies above! Let’s goooo!

I did a very quick takeoff and landing which you can see below purely to keep the video short. But I will soon have a lot more videos with full flights on my YouTube channel. This is also the first time I just floated above the runway which was a different experience. I think with a controller I was more of a Navy type of pilot…

Here’s my brief flight with an Airbus A320

I also had to give the flight stick and quadrant a go with the F-14D that I picked up over the holiday break. It’s just amazing how much better it is to fly with a flight stick and controls as even the Tomcat felt incredible with the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick and Quadrant.

Here’s my F-14D Tomcat flight with the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick & TCA Quadrant + Add-on

Overall I’m incredibly happy with the Thurstmaster TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition and TCA Quadrant + Add-on Airbus Edition. It makes flying in Microsoft Flight Simulator that much better. But, more importantly, it looks good and allows for better control over your aircraft while flying to your next location. The customizable options and quality of both the flight stick and controls make it an exciting option for your at home setup. I highly recommend it!

I will always wonder why I never picked up new flight sticks over the years for all the flight games I played growing up. However, I’m pretty sure that from this point forward I will always be flying by flight stick.

You can learn more about and purchase the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick and Quadrant + Add-on at the links below:

Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition:

Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition:

Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Add-on Airbus Edition:

I also want to note that this won’t be my last article featuring the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick and Quadrant + Add-on as I will feature it in many of my flights moving forward and therefore future articles. So, keep an eye out for continuing impressions as I start doing longer flights with this setup. Also, I will be writing about more flight sticks in the future including another amazing one from Thurstmaster. Stayed tuned for that!

Please remember that you can follow me on YouTube and X to see even more flight videos in the future! Also, feel free to ask any questions you might have regarding the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick and Quadrant + Add-on Airbus Edition!

Recommended Book – LOST AT SEA

Eddie Rickenbacker’s Twenty-Four Days Adrift on the Pacific—A World War II Tale of Courage and Faith by John Wukovits is the tale of Eddie Rickenbacker’s fight for survival with seven other men adrift on the Pacific. Spanning from Rickenbacker’s childhood; through his military, car racing, and aviation careers; and onto every moment inside the inflatable rafts with only the men and a copy of the New Testament to keep each other company, Wukovits brings readers to Rickenbacker’s side during every step of his perilous journeys.

Available Now

Recommended Books – No Man’s Son

No Man’s Son details Michael Chowdry’s challenging journey from Pakistan to England, and then to the United States, where he first started realizing his dream of flying at a small flight school in Minnesota. It’s an excellent read for those interested in the immigrant experience, aviation, and business management. The International Air Cargo Association has placed Chowdry in its Hall of Fame.                       

Available on Amazon

One Six Right: The Romance of Flying – Anniversary Edition Available on Blu-ray

One_Six_Right_Blu-ray_Mockup_FRONTOne Six Right: The Romance of Flying is one of the most popular aviation films ever produced that celebrates a passion for general aviation. And now the documentary, which was originally released in 2005, has been completely remastered in 1080p and released on Blu-ray. This 10th anniversary version enhances the visuals seen and makes all those wonderful scenes of aircraft appear sharper and cleaner when watching the film.

One Six Right focuses on the importance of general aviation from the perspective of and history surrounding the famous Van Nuys airport in California. Featuring a number of guest speakers interviewed throughout the documentary, viewers of the film will hear stories of experiences and pure joy for the world of aviation while also discussing some of the struggles that GA encounters from the decreasing amount of airports and noise that surrounds them.

Those who are familiar with the film already will not only be pleased by the enhanced visuals for the Blu-ray addition, but will also enjoy 7 brand-new special features that have been added to the Blu-ray that was not previously available on the origional DVD versions of the film. This includes 10 minutes of new aircraft footage in high definition, such as new air-to-air footage set to music.

The Anniversary Edition of One Six Right is also the complete edition as it also includes the special features that are on the original DVD, as well as the One Six Left special features that are on the old companion DVD.

Anyone who has the slightest interest in aviation can sit down and easily enjoy this documentary and its special features. It’s almost as good as being at the actual airport and hearing stories from people there. The One Six Right Anniversary Edition can be purchased from Amazon for $29.95.