Tom Thomas of Wisconsin visited Lindbergh’s grave site recently in Maui. Thomas says it was something he’d always wanted to do but never thought the day would ever come to pass. "He (Lindbergh) really opened the door for modern aviation and all of us", said Thomas. "His accomplishments did not go
without other…
challenges as he was faced with many risks throughout his life which he met straight on and succeeded." Thomas said that Lindbergh always prepared the best he could and in doing so, it helped him along his flight path on down the runway of life.
The famed aviator lived his last days on the lush Hana coast. Today he lies at rest on the serene grounds of the Palapala Ho’omau Church in beautiful Kipahulu, Maui. Lindbergh’s grave is under the shade of a Java plum tree. Before he died, he sketched a simple design for his grave and coffin. (Photo by Tom Thomas)