SAJ Writer Contributes to New International Book on Gender Issues in Aviation

AbsentAviatorsBookCoveredit_0.jpg Eighty two years after Amelia Earhart flew her bright red Lockheed Vega across the Atlantic from Harbor Grace Newfoundland to Culmore, Ireland, gender in aviation is still being discussed. State Aviation Journal (SAJ) writer, Penny Rafferty Hamilton, was asked two years ago to contribute a chapter of lessons and strategies revealed through the Teaching Women to Fly Research Project which contribute to women’s success in General Aviation training. (see ) SAJ writer, Penny Hamilton, is pictured at the top upper left.

The new International book, Absent Aviators, is scheduled to be published in September, 2014, by Ashgate Publishing in London in hardback and ebook formats. Contributing authors from Australia Austria, the United States, Canada, South Africa and the United Kingdom present a broad range of issues. To learn more visit
