Dr. Becky Lutte: Stellar Scholar & Sky Star

Photo above – In March, 2023, Dr. Becky Lutte was invited to testify before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on “Strengthening the Aviation Workforce.” 

By Penny Rafferty Hamilton, Ph.D.

Scholar and Sky Star Becky Lutte has earned advanced academic degrees, published extensively in juried Industry journals, has more than 35 years of aviation experience as a Flight Instructor and Regional Airline pilot, and today is an Associate Professor, Chair Graduate Studies Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University College of Aviation Worldwide.

How did you first get inspired to work in the aviation industry?

Becky Lutte

“My earliest memories of being interested in aviation started from growing up on and around Air Force Bases (Offutt NE, Kincheloe MI). My dad was in the Air Force. Also, my Uncle was a pilot and flew for the airlines. I went to college initially for engineering but my freshman year I decided to take a discovery flight because I always had that interest and that was all it took. I changed schools and went to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) on the Offutt Air Force base and started flying at the Offutt Aero Club and have been in aviation ever since.”

What is your first memory of aviation?

“My first memory was of airplanes at the base. I just always remember being around that world and wanting to be a part of it. I went on to obtain my certificates through commercial, CFI, CFII, MEI. I still actively fly today. We own two experimental, homebuilt aircraft (RV7 and RV10). I am active in general aviation and really enjoy the GA community, especially outreach programs like Young Eagles and Women in Aviation-WAI Girls in Aviation Day. As an industry, we can’t throttle back on outreach. We need to bring in that next gen and raise awareness about this exciting field”.

Who inspired you the most?

Becky and Steve Lutte share family flying with sons, Nick, an architectural engineer, and Scott, a Skywest pilot.

“I have found inspiration from so many throughout my career. My parents and uncle initially, my husband, Steve, and boys, Nick and Scott, always, my colleagues and co-workers, and often my students. My experience being appointed to the FAA Women in Aviation Advisory Board led to meeting some incredibly inspiring people in aviation. It was an honor to work with the group towards such an important mission.

Advice for other women inside our industry or thinking about aviation and aerospace?

“This industry is unique and challenging and filled with people who are truly passionate about the field. Explore your options. You may be surprised that the path may change course because of the many different opportunities in our industry. I started in professional flight but found a role in aviation higher education. Find your path and pursue it with all you’ve got. And when you hit a barrier, and you will, know you have the stuff to succeed and lean on your support network.”

Any additional background about you and your career our readers should know?

Becky Lutte is a highly-rated pilot, who enjoys the experience and shares that joy widely on social media.

“I have been fortunate to have some great opportunities and experiences in my career, doing research with some outstanding partners, working on the advisory board, working with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization, United Nations agency to promote International cooperation), testifying before both the House and Senate, etc. Working in higher education provided the opportunity to join the faculty at the University of Nebraska at Omaha Aviation Institute and obtain a Masters and PhD. I enjoyed many years at UNO being a part of an outstanding program and team. I am excited that I recently joined the faculty at ERAU as Chair of the Graduate program at the College of Aviation Worldwide. I also serve as a member of the leadership team at the ERAU Boeing Center for Aviation and Aerospace Safety. It’s all been amazing and to be a part of a student’s journey is a true honor.”  

“You just never know where this field will take you. If you would have told me in high school when I was terrified to speak up in class, that I would testify before a Senate committee on the need for the recruitment and retention of women in aviation, I would not have believed you. This is what aviation can do for you, if you find that path and work from a place of purpose and service.”
Dr. Becky Lutte shares the same insights as Oprah Winfrey who said, “I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint –and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.”

Becky Lutte is an aviator, who loves the freedom she feels in the air and at the controls.
She is flying the family RV 10.