Alright, well it can always be ski season in Microsoft Flight Simulator if you so desire. However, now that we enter the winter months again and the snow is starting to fly, it becomes that time again for me to hop into my favorite ski plane and head for the slopes!
Having just recently experienced a new landing challenge at Akureyri Airport (BIAR) in Iceland that was released as part of Microsoft Flight Simulator’s World Update XV, I was shown a terrain that looked absolutely ideal for some ski plane fun. So, I hopped in a CubCrafters XCub and started exploring the nearby terrain to get my first ski plane action for the season.
More often than not I find easy terrain to touch and go from, but then I also enjoy skiing downhill when I get a chance, landing on top of a mountain, or even trying a bit of a stunt by gliding off the side of a mountain. Check out my recent flight below for a little bit of everything! Also, don’t judge me on the landing at the end of the video when I return it home“…and don’t ask either. Thank you!
Link if you want to go directly to the fun rather than starting from the airport:
I look forward to exploring more areas for skiing this winter for even more ski plane fun! Last year I really enjoyed the mountains right next to Invermere – CAA8 just west of Calgary and recommend checking out that location as well. I’ll likely go back there and see how the XCub handles that terrain. I used the Cessna 172 Skyhawk all of last year for skiing (and so far I miss using it over the XCub), but I will switch between the two planes as I explore more locations this winter and see which one is certainly my favorite to fly.
Anyway, who else enjoys flight time in a ski plane? As I find more locations that host ideal conditions, I will certainly be posting about it on social media. Be sure to follow me on YouTube and X (Twitter)!
Lastly, a few photos from my time flying in Iceland!