NASAO Announces 2024 Henry Ogrodzinski Scholarship Recipients

The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) announced the three recipients of the 2024 Henry Ogrodzinski (Henry O.) Scholarship:

  • Julia Cagasan (Liberty University)
  • Christine Larson (Southern Utah University)
  • Tatum Navrkal (University of Nebraska at Omaha)

Established by NASAO in 2014, this scholarship is awarded in memory of Henry Ogrodzinski, who led NASAO as its President and CEO from 1996 to 2013. Henry O. (as he was referred to by the industry) dedicated his life to higher education and academic achievement. The Henry O. Scholarship Program awards $1,000 to three college upperclassmen who are pursuing a career in the aviation or aerospace industry.

“From more than 40 applicants, we are pleased to have selected these individuals for the Henry O. Scholarship,” said Mike McHugh Chair of NASAO’s Aviation Education Committee and Aviation Education Coordinator of the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission. “We hope to continue Henry’s legacy while aiding these students in pursuing their dreams. Congratulations to the recipients!”

“NASAO is excited to once again advance the future of aviation by awarding scholarships to these three outstanding students,” said Greg Pecoraro, NASAO President and CEO. “Through the support and encouragement, we can offer these students, we advance both our industry and honor the legacy of our long-time president, Henry O.”