Mark Flynn, a general aviation pilot and an attorney in private practice, has been named the new director of the Virginia Department of Aviation by Gov. Ralph Northam. Flynn replaces Randy Burdette who served 13 years as the agency’s director. Flynn was sworn in January 13th following the inauguration of Ralph Northam as Virginia’s 73rd governor.
Governor Northam said, “Mark is an accomplished local government attorney with extensive experience in aviation matters and is a licensed single-engine aircraft pilot with instrument, commercial and instructor ratings.”
Randy Burdette said, “Mark Flynn has been a strong advocate for aviation and is well versed in the key issues facing aviation in the Commonwealth today. I believe he is the right person to capitalize on the hard work and achievements we have made together and to lead our aviation industry into even more accomplishments and higher achievements.”
Mark Flynn said, “I’m excited to be serving as the new director of the Virginia Department of Aviation and look forward to building on the many successes the agency had under Randy Burdette. There are a number of challenges and opportunities facing aviation in Virginia, and I am honored to be Governor Northam’s choice to lead this progressive and forward-thinking agency.”
Flynn served 18 years as general counsel and chief lobbyist with the Virginia Municipal League, where he guided local governments on effectively serving the public. He has also served as county attorney in Tazewell County and as city attorney for Winchester, Va. More recently he provided local government legal services through his law firm, Woodley & Flynn, and lobbied for local governments through Advantus Strategies. Flynn is the past president of the Virginia Local Government Attorney’s Association and the 2013 recipient of that organization’s Edward Finnegan Award for Distinguished Service. He earned his bachelor’s degree at Virginia Tech and his juris doctorate from Washington & Lee University Law School.
Burdette retired January 12th. He was first appointed director by then-Gov. Mark Warner in August 2004 and subsequently reappointed by Governors Kaine, McDonnell and McAuliffe. Randy plans to travel and to keep his Cessna 182 busy serving as a volunteer with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Pilots N Paws and as a member of his local Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter, where he will introduce more youth to aviation.