After 32 years of public service with the Commonwealth of Virginia, Cherry A. Evans, Director, Communications & Education Division, Virginia Department of Aviation announced her retirement effective November 1st.
Ms. Evans, who was employed with the Department of Aviation since 1989, said she is proud to have promoted Virginia’s fine air transportation system and an industry that continues to be progressive. “It has been an honor.”
Prior to retirement, Evans was responsible for directing public relations, aerospace education, marketing, promoting economic development, aircraft licensing and legislative affairs for the DOAV. Those programs include the development and implementation of a comprehensive plan designed to promote the Commonwealth’s air transportation system, increase aviation awareness and support growth in the aviation industry.
She was also responsible for strategic planning, budget development and business process evaluation. Her division administers a grant-in-aid program that provides financial assistance to local government agencies for public relations, marketing and business plans. Similarly, she directed a program that assists air carrier airports with air service improvement initiatives.
As DOAV became ISO 9001:2008 and IS-BAO certified, she served on the Management Review Team, Customer Service Committee, she developed and implemented the agency’s Communications Plan as well as consistently updated and reviewed the Quality Manual, Strategic Plan and Performance Measures.
As a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University with a concentration in Public Relations and Advertising, Ms. Evans began public relations consulting and served as a contractor with the Virginia Podiatric Medical Association, Technology Plus Corporation, Historic Richmond Foundation and Page & Associate Attorneys to name a few. She has been a full-time employee of the Commonwealth since 1985 and held positions with the Department of Planning and Budget, Virginia Commonwealth University as well as the Virginia State Lottery.
Ms. Evans is a 2006 graduate of Lead VIRGINIA, an executive leadership program dedicated to building social capital and she has completed graduate coursework at Central Michigan University with a concentration in Public Administration. In 1995 she graduated from the Virginia Executive Institute, Commonwealth Management Institute and completed private pilot ground school at Dominion Aviation Services at Chesterfield County Airport. She has been a member of the Public Relations Society of America, Women’s Transportation Seminar, Women in Aviation International and Virginia Government Communicators.
She recently received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Tuskegee Airmen Inc./Hampton University Aviation STEM Academy and in 2001, her paper “Writing the Wrongs: Aviation Awareness and Public Relations” was presented to U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta by the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS). She was recognized by the U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Aviation Administration in 1997 for her contributions to aviation in Virginia and received the Crystal Award of Excellence for the Department of Aviation’s video: “Virginia Aviation-Cleared for Takeoff”. In 1992, she was presented with the Woman of the Year Award from the Richmond Chapter of WTS and was recognized by Secretary of Transportation Vivian E. Watts for Volunteer Service in 1989.
Ms. Evans enjoys cooking, singing, reading and spending time with family and friends.