TDOT Completes Tennessee Aviation System Plan (TASP), Airport System has $1.5 Billion in Statewide Project Needs

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) has completed its two-year-long Tennessee Aviation System Plan (TASP), finding $1.5 billion of project needs at Tennessee’s 78 public-use airports. These projects are needed to maintain current service level, reach a good state of repair, and for expansion to meet future demands.

The TASP used data collected for the calendar year 2019 and is, therefore, an accurate representation of the typical performance and needs of Tennessee’s airports during a non-pandemic world. It found aviation in Tennessee contributes $40 billion to the state’s economy.

The study established a series of goals and performance measures that helped identify the current and future system performance of all 78 public-use airports. In turn, cost estimates for projects necessary to meet current and future needs were developed.

•Â Â Â Â Â $1.5 billion of project needs for the airport system over the next 20 years

•Â Â Â Â Â $1.1 billion (76%) needed for deferred maintenance projects to maintain the existing airport system

•Â Â Â Â Â $347 million (24%) required for expansion projects to meet future demands

“Investing in Tennessee’s aviation system is critical to ensure that our airports continue to meet the needs of residents and visitors to the state for years to come while also making a significant impact to the state’s economy” said TDOT Aeronautics Division Director, Jay Norris.

View the Executive Summary, including the goals and performances measures used to determine the needs of the airports, at: