Executive pilot, Corbi Bulluck, will be retiring this month from the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Aviation. Ms. Bullock has flown for the state since 1998.
Bulluck, a graduate of the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) with a BA and MA degree in Education was a middle school Educator for eight years in the Wake County Public School system, during which time she learned to fly.
Always a lifelong dream, she eventually succumbed to her love of aviation and left teaching to pursue a career as a professional pilot. “I was hired by FlightSafety International (Vero Beach, FL), where for three years, I instructed ab initio pilots for Alitalia and Tyrolean Airways and other career-oriented pilots for multi- and single-engine ratings.”
Later, Bulluck was hired by Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA), where she flew for six years as 1st Officer, then Captain, on the Embraer Brasilia (EMB-120), based in Atlanta, Georgia.
Bulluck flies precision aerial photography at altitudes ranging from 1,000 to 24,000 feet above ground, and also fly state officials to destinations throughout the United States. One of her other duties has been to serve as the coordinator for NC’s Aviation Art Contest, which has seen tremendous growth in recent years.
Ms. Bulluck is the International Vice-President for The Ninety-Nines, Inc., the international organization of women pilots founded in 1929 by Amelia Earhart and 98 other trail-blazing women pilots.