Massachusetts Recognizes Aviation with a 577.3M Funding Plan

As part of its 2025-2029 Capital Investment Plan, the MassDOT Board of Directors this week voted to approve $577.3M for the MassDOT Aeronautics Division to fund the reliability and modernization of the state’s 35 public use airports. The figure represents the full amount in the original draft plan.

The overall $16.7 billion five-year transportation plan prioritizes a wide variety of local and statewide projects including rail, roadway, and investments in Regional Transportation Authorities.

The vote followed a 21-day public comment period for the draft CIP, which was open from June 20 through July 10. During that period, many MAMA members testified at public hearings and provided written comments in support of full approval of the $577.3M assigned to the Aeronautics Division.

MAMA President Chris Willenborg praised the outpouring of support from the Massachusetts aviation community to the plan which identified nearly two hundred proposed airport capital improvement projects planned over the next five years. Willenborg said, “It’s gratifying to note that the MassDOT Board of Directors recognizes the important work of the Aeronautics Division and the public use airports in Massachusetts.”

For more information on MassDOT’s CIP, please visit: The final FY25-29 CIP will be published on the website over the next few days.