The Ray Foundation (Naples, Florida) recently awarded Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum a $1 million challenge grant to develop a new educational resource for Hawaii Youth – a Learning Lab using the exciting field of aviation and aerospace to advance interest and competency in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The proposed Learning Lab will be located on Ford Island as part of the current museum campus.
The new Learning Lab at Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum provides an opportunity to introduce a new generation of Hawaii’s youth to the history and technology of flight, introducing them — through that experience — to a variety of STEM industries. Their experiences will be rooted in relevant, authentic activities powered by state-of-the-art technology to teach timeless fundamentals applicable to a wide range of careers. Students will use lessons learned to help construct their own future.
“Our vision is to advance education and leadership opportunities for students in Hawaii by creating a Learning Lab. Working with our Navy partners, an existing WWII pilot training building, adjacent to the historic Ford Island Control Tower, will be renovated and converted into a modern-day center for young people. Our plan includes installation of the innovative – and highly-successful – Aviation Learning Center model developed by the Seattle Museum of Flight. This learning environment uses flight simulators, and other technology tools, to engage students in their own learning,” said Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum Executive Director Elissa Lines.
Lines continued: “In the Learning Lab, a broad spectrum of Hawaii students will participate in, hands-on learning that will emphasize critical-thinking, collaborative decision-making, and creative problem-solving advancing both their academic capabilities and the life skills that will combine to help them succeed. The Learning Lab will help students visualize their future, understanding how what they learn in the classroom translates into the jobs they will hold in their future.
The grant is a challenge – Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum must raise $1 million to earn the matching funds! For information on how you can help or to contribute, doubling the value of your gift, please contact the museum at 808-800-2431 or