NASAO and FAA Sign MOU to Enhance Partnership on the State Block Grant Program

The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to continue to work in partnership to enhance the administration of the state block grants under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP). The MOU signed by FAA Administrator, Michael Whitaker, and NASAO Board Chair, Kyle Wanner, went into effect on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

“I am pleased to join with Administrator Whitaker in renewing this cooperative agreement between the FAA and NASAO on the State Block Grant Program,” said Kyle Wanner, Chair of NASAO’s Board of Directors. “NASAO has important ongoing responsibilities assisting the states as they participate in the program, and the FAA’s acknowledgement of this role is a critical piece of our overall partnership with the agency.”

“Since the original pilot program was authorized by Congress in 1987, the FAA’s State Block Grant Program has grown to give ten participating states the responsibility for administering Federal AIP grants to nonprimary commercial service, reliever, and general aviation airports” said Gregory Pecoraro, NASAO’s President and CEO. “In close cooperation with the FAA, these states use their familiarity with local aviation conditions to successfully administer the program, which includes performing much of the FAA’s oversight role at these airports.”

NASAO has a longstanding partnership with the FAA in managing the nation’s aviation system. In a testament to the continuing success of this partnership, several MOUs on a variety of subjects have been originated or renewed since the initial MOU was signed in 1996.

This recently signed MOU seeks to address key issues through continued collaboration on federal and state levels. The MOU outlined key objectives, action goals, and the overall process and structure to work towards the stated goals.