The Flying Musicians Association (FMA) is proud to announce, even during these uncertain times, that they have awarded two FMA Solo scholarship recipients: Jacob Burdette from Ohio and Jake Myers from Pennsylvania.

In awarding two scholarships this year, FMA now boasts a total of 13. There were 39 outstanding nominees from across the United States and Canada. The selection committee continues to be overwhelmed. John Zapp, co-founder and President of FMA, said, “The great news is that FMA has grown by 39 student musicians.”
The FMA Solo Scholarships are made possible by our sponsors, donors, and members’ donating their time and talents; and through hosting FMA’s popular HangarJAMs and music for corporations at events across the country.

Follow Jacob and Jake as they blog about their journey. Visit to congratulate and add your words of encouragement and wisdom.
The 2021 FMA Solo program kicks off this fall. This scholarship is unique, bringing an aspiring music student from zero time to solo. FMA covers roughly fifteen hours of dual instruction, online ground school, training materials, and additional products from sponsors. FMA envisioned and instituted this scholarship program because it recognizes the parallel skills involved in flying and performing music and wants to promote both areas of growth in our inspired and dedicated future leaders.