Aviation Groups Embrace Announcement to Name Michael G. Whitaker as Nominee for FAA Administrator

Late last week the White House announced the intent to nominate Michael G. Whitaker to serve as Administrator of the FAA. Aviation Associations were quick to embrace the idea. “The FAA, the civil aviation industry and the American flying-public deserve a leader with experience in managing large organizations and an aviation background to develop an aviation system that is safer, more efficient and technologically advanced,” said General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) President and CEO, Pete Bunce. “We are pleased to see that the Biden Administration has nominated Mike Whitaker, who we feel possesses the leadership skills, management experience and aviation knowledge needed to lead the FAA.”

Michael Whitaker

Whitaker is currently the chief operating officer of Supernal, a Hyundai Motor Group company designing an electric advanced air mobility (AAM) vehicle. In this role, Whitaker overseas all commercial and key business operations. Whitaker served as Deputy Administrator at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from 2013–2016.

AUVSI praised the nomination. “At this critical moment when our national airspace system is becoming increasingly complex, Mike Whitaker is an exceptionally qualified choice to ensure the U.S. remains the aviation safety gold standard, manage the Agency and its 45,000 employees and enhance U.S. global aviation competitiveness,” said AUVSI President and CEO Brian Wynne.

Prior to Supernal and his tenure at the FAA, Whitaker served as Group CEO of InterGlobe Enterprises, India’s largest travel conglomerate and operator of its largest and most successful airline, IndiGo. There, he oversaw strategy and operations for four affiliate travel companies. Whitaker also spent 15 years at United Airlines in a variety of roles as Director, Vice President and Senior Vice President. His broad portfolio at the airline included commercial alliances and joint ventures, international and regulatory affairs, and strategic counsel to the Chairman and CEO on international matters.

AOPA applauded the nomination. “The aviation industry has had a significant need for a permanent leader for more than a year, and I am happy that Michael has been nominated for the role,” said AOPA President Mark Baker. “Our close collaboration during his time as deputy administrator gave us the unmistakable sense that Michael knows aviation, he understands how the FAA operates, he appreciates GA’s needs as a private pilot, and I am confident that under Michael’s leadership, the FAA will address serious issues that have loomed over the agency and the aviation industry.”  

Whitaker began his more than three-decade aviation career as a litigator, then as Assistant General Counsel of international and regulatory affairs at Trans World Airlines (TWA). He holds a juris doctorate degree from Georgetown University Law Center. He serves on the board of the Flight Safety Foundation, a nonprofit that promotes aviation safety globally.

Also welcoming the nomination was the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). “Mike Whitaker has long been an outspoken aviation safety advocate and champion of innovation in the industry, who demonstrated during his time as Deputy Administrator at the FAA that he is a proven leader who delivers results,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. “We enthusiastically support his confirmation as FAA administrator.”

The Commercial Drone Alliance supports the nomination, citing a deep background in advanced aviation and having served as Deputy Administrator of the FAA. The hardworking professionals at the FAA deserve the continuity and consistency of a Senate-confirmed leader, particularly at this critical and exciting time for advanced aviation. Uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS), for example, are already enhancing lives in communities around the world. The safety, security, efficiency, sustainability, and equity benefits of commercial drones are significant, yet the U.S. lags behind other countries in developing policy to unlock this beneficial technology.

“We are grateful to see Mike Whitaker’s nomination sent to the Hill, and we urge his swift confirmation by the Senate,” said Lisa Ellman, Executive Director of the Commercial Drone Alliance. “The commercial drone industry can offer many societal benefits, but only if policy keeps up with technology. We are counting on Mike Whitaker’s leadership to spur action on long-awaited regulatory items such as beyond visual line of sight and expanded drone operations, which will ultimately usher in the next era of advanced aviation.”

Other aviation associations supporting the nomination included A4A, NATA, NATCA and the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO). Greg Pecoraro, NASAO President said they were pleased that the President has announced the nomination and looks forward to working with Whitaker if confirmed.