EUROCAE-RTCA Annual Coordination Meeting Held

The annual coordination meeting between RTCA and EUROCAE took place on November 17-18, 2020.

The meeting is a special occasion for the two organization’s collaboration to not only discuss current developments in their organizations’ joint and non-joint standardization activities, but also to share a more strategic outlook to the future and to consider how to foster and enhance their relationship with ICAO.

This year, the RTCA team Terry McVenes, RTCA President, Steve Brown, NBAA & Chair of RTCA Policy Board, Chris Hegarty, Mitre & Chair of PMC, was joined on the EUROCAE side by Christian Schleifer, Secretary General, Bruno Ayral, Thales LAS & EUROCAE Council Chair and President, Eric Bouchard, Dassault Aviation & TAC Chair, as well as the relevant team members from both organizations.

In the discussions, the leaders of EUROCAE and RTCA specifically recognized the contribution of the WG and SC leaders and participants and acknowledged the continuing efforts supporting standardization activities in these special times – it is their activities that help the organizations continue and even expand their activities. They have been able to move quickly to a completely virtual environment allowing them to work together to be even more efficient and effective in the future.

As part of the discussions, EUROCAE and RTCA reaffirmed their strong partnership, agreeing that future standardization initiatives should be by default pursued in a joint manner. The processes and procedures that have been in place for a long time, backed by our Memorandum of Cooperation, will be used and reinforced to enable this cooperation also in the future.

The two groups are looking forward to continue working with their partners to enhance international harmonization and global interoperability, at the service of their members and the entire aviation community.

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