Nebraska Division of Aeronautics Enhances Transparency and Efficiency in State Aircraft Usage

The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) remains steadfast in its commitment to evaluating and refining business practices that ensure transparency, efficiency and equitable services for all Nebraskans. As part of this commitment, the NDOT Division of Aeronautics has created tools for increased efficiency and transparency around the usage of the state-owned aircraft.

With the appointment of Jeremy Borrell, Director of Aeronautics, last year, NDOT has been working to increase the visibility and efficiency of both the state plane and the grant funding process for airport projects. A recent study identified an optimal annual usage target of 250 hours for the state-owned aircraft. This target reflects the most efficient utilization of the aircraft to maximize its value to the state.

With the intent of optimizing the state asset, NDOT will work with agencies to increase education on usage consistent with Nebraska Revised Statute 3-106. Detailed information on booking and usage procedures will be provided and the Division of Aeronautics will publish a monthly usage report on the NDOT website, starting with data from July 2024. This report will detail each flight, including the using agency, passengers, purpose of the trip, destinations and mile/duration of the flight.

For more information and to view the “State-Owned Aircraft Monthly Usage Report,” please visit: