RAF and Texas State Parks Sign Collaborative Agreement

The RAF is excited about a new partnership regarding airstrips in Texas State Parks. A formal agreement was signed between the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, (TPWD) and the Recreational Aviation Foundation on March 18, 2022.

Tres Clinton left and John Cyrier in front of Tres’s Super Cub showing the symbolic stickers of Texas Parks and Wildlife and the RAF. Photo curtesy of RAF.

“This is far more than an agreement to provide volunteers and RAF grant money for projects in Texas,” RAF Chairman John McKenna said. “The State of Texas is looking to the RAF for expertise and guidance on managing aviation assets in their parks while identifying new opportunities to provide additional recreational access.” RAF Texas Liaison Tres Clinton worked closely with Texas State Representative and RAF member John Cyrier on this MOU. Rep. Cyrier said, “After our accomplishments in the legislative session, we believed this was the right next step to formalize the partnership between the RAF and TPWD.”

The agreement also authorizes the RAF to assist TPWD in “planning future recreation aviation opportunities by proposing areas and airstrips to be utilized for recreational aviation access and purposes.”

TPWD will collaborate with the RAF when opportunities arise for participation in public planning, implementation, and evaluation of land, water, and waterways for projects designed to enhance aviation access to state parks.

Reflecting the RAF Code of Ethics, the document states, “Each pilot is an ambassador to the non-flying public.” Pilots are expected to act with courtesy for those on the ground by maintaining reasonable distance and altitude and avoiding low level flights, unsafe operation, and excessive noise.

While signing the document, McKenna said, “This is an exciting day for all and hopefully the beginning of a long-term relationship that all will find beneficial.” Rep. Cyrier added, “Both of these groups are top notch. What a great accomplishment for both.”