In celebration of the state’s second largest economic engine, aviation and aerospace, a new Oklahoma specialty license plate is ready to beautify the bumpers of automobiles with the rising slogan: “Oklahoma Aviation.”
The plate, requested by the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission (OAC), is the state’s official aviation and aerospace specialty plate.
The statute creating the “Aeroplate”, became law November 1, directing that such plates shall be designed in consultation with OAC and shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven characters. Funds from the plate will be used to promote the awareness of aviation and aerospace, and providing financial support for aviation education programs to address the need for a skilled and competent aviation workforce.
The special interest plate was designed by Oklahoma artist Christopher Nick. He, is trained in the tradition of the old masters and works currently as a full-time illustrator. Reducing his fee significantly, Nick agreed to design and paint the specialty plate, volunteering his research time which involved more than two months work.
“Motorists can get the aviation and aerospace specialty plate personalized or pre-numbered.  The plate looks best personalized with five to six characters and six is the current number of characters the Tax Commission form currently allows,” said Sandra Shelton, communications and legislative affairs liaison to the Commission.
Today begins a 180-day countdown requiring 100 people to purchase the plate before the Tax Commission would place it into circulation. The plate would costs motorists $35 with $24 of the fee deposited in the OAC revolving fund.
The form link to order the OAC “Aeroplate” can be found at