Jennifer Martin considers her position as Senior Project Manager with Parrish & Partners a “truly dream job.” She brings to the position 33 years of transportation experience with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) including 10 years as the Planning and Environmental Program Manager for the NCDOT Division of Aviation.

“I couldn’t be more excited to begin my post-NCDOT career with a company I have long admired for its outstanding work and dedicated staff,” said Martin. Her time with Parrish & Partners will serve to leverage her current skill set while allowing her to branch into new areas in which she has deep interests. “I consider myself extremely fortunate to be part of this growing company and I am especially looking forward to assisting with the expansion of Parrish & Partner’s services in the Raleigh area.”
Parrish & Partners was formed in 2013 with the corporate office in Columbia, SC, and a branch office in Greensboro, NC. Senior Vice President Jeff Kirby, PE, is based in Greensboro and leads all of the company’s aviation efforts. “All of us at Parrish & Partners are extremely excited about Jen joining our firm and assisting our aviation partners in their development needs,” said Kirby.
With Martin joining the team, she brings roadway, aviation, and environmental experience to the Raleigh office which previously only offered bridge design. Since opening the Raleigh office in 2017, the firm has added NCDOT as a client. Martin will not only better support that client but will allow Parrish & Partners to better serve airports in the surrounding area as the company continues to grow.
While serving with the Division of Aviation Martin developed expertise in the FAA State Block Grant Program (SBGP), having worked closely with airport sponsors to obtain funding for grant-eligible preliminary engineering, property acquisition, and construction for Capital Improvement Plans at North Carolina airports. She has a wide variety of skills in the management of airport development projects pursued by the public airports of North Carolina with specialties in NEPA, airport stormwater runoff management, and wildlife hazards.
Martin also brings a wealth of NCDOT knowledge from the Highways Division, having started her career in Roadway Design and Project Development, before moving into the Feasibility Studies Section, working on a wide variety of State Transportation Improvement Program projects. She is a registered Professional Engineer (NC) and obtained a Civil Engineering degree from North Carolina State University.
Today, Parrish & Partners has five offices throughout the Carolinas with ample resources to perform a multitude of services, including aviation, surface, environmental, and CE&I.