Kevin Carlson Retiring After 46 Year Career in Aviation

After a career spanning forty-six years in aviation, Kevin Carlson is retiring. “It has gone by so fast,” said Carlson, who is retiring today from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Aeronautics Office as an Aviation Planning Program Coordinator.

Kevin Carlson

For Carlson, aviation wasn’t even on his radar when he finished school in 1979. “It was more by “necessity” really,” said Carlson. “I had applied for a position at an A&E firm but didn’t quite have enough experience for the Architectural division, but the Airport Section was looking for technicians and I was offered a position.” Carlson was placed into the civil side of design and construction projects at Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport. “That’s where it started,” explained Carlson.

Carlson went on to work for several firms including Short Elliott Hendrickson (SHE), and Mead & Hunt before joining the Minnesota Aeronautics Office in 2016.  

“Aviation is a great field,” said Carlson. “There are so many directions you can go.” For those interested in a career in aviation, Carlson suggests getting as much information as possible, get involved, and ask questions. He also thinks it is important for airports to host more local events to attract kids.

Looking back, there are many things Carlson is appreciative of, including being part of conference planning committees and seeing them run smoothly with no issues; having airport projects he was involved with, win awards and the client/sponsors get recognized by their peers; to work and be a part of some great companies and organizations. “I would not be where I am today,” said Carlson, “without the opportunity I’ve had to work with so many talented individuals.”

Carlson said there are a few bucket list items that he’d like to check-off in retirement. They include sharing some National Parks with his wife. “NASAO and other organizations gave me the ability to see parts of the country I would not have been able to see,” says Carlson. He would also like to visit a few more states to check off the list. “6 to go!”