Regional Aviation Issues Focus of Upcoming WRP Meeting in Sacramento

The Western Regional Partnership Border Committee and the State Aviation Journal are sponsoring an aviation meeting in Sacramento, CA., on April 5th to discuss issues impacting airspace users in the region. The meeting will be held at the Sacramento International Airport on the 2nd floor of the administration room (6900 Airport Boulevard, between terminal A & B.) The meeting will begin at 10 am Pacific and is anticipated to conclude by 4:45 pm.
Discussion items will include shortfalls in communication among aviation users, encroachment, and alternative energy and aviation within the WRP Region, which along with California includes the states of Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. An additional topic to be discussed will be wild-land fires, what to expect in regard to coordination, impact of temporary flight restrictions and how to fly safer around wild-land fires.

(Pictured L to R at a planning meeting are, Amy Duffy, Duffy Consulting, Pete Masiel, Center Manager, Silver City Interagency Dispatch Center, Gila National Forest, Terry Hansen, Range and Airspace Sustainability Manager, Marine Corps Installation West, and Angi Bohlmann, Contract Support,  Duffy Consulting.

"At the end of the day, we hope our discussions lead to recommendations, lessons learned and best practices for aviation users to work together on issues that effect all of us in the region," said Kim Stevens, publisher of the State Aviation Journal. (Pictured below) "Ideally, what we come away with at this meeting will stimulate future discussions." The group hopes that the success of this meeting will allow for an expanded agenda in the future.                           

The WRP mission is to provide a proactive and collaborative framework for senior-policy level Federal, State and Tribal leadership to identify common goals and emerging issues in the region and to develop solutions that support WRP Partners and protect natural resources, while promoting sustainability, homeland security and military readiness.

"These are important topics that impact us all," said Stevens. "Being a former state aviation official, I know how important these discussions will be to each state in the region."   
For further information please email Ms. Angi Bohlmann at

