NASAO Announces 2023 – 2024 Board Members

Photo above – The 2023–2024 NASAO Board of Directors was announced during a general session on Tuesday afternoon. The ushering in of the new board was commemorated by the passing of the gavel from NASAO Immediate Past Chair, David Ulane (CO) (right), to Chair Kyle Wanner (ND).

The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) announced members of the 2023–2024 Board of Directors at NASAO’s 92nd Annual Convention & Trade Show in Rogers, Arkansas. The NASAO Board of Directors – comprised of NASAO’s Executive Committee and Regional Directors – will be led by Kyle Wanner of North Dakota as Chair.

“I am deeply honored to serve as the NASAO Chair for the upcoming year and am eager to lead and advocate for the interests of the members within the state aviation community,” stated Wanner. “With a strong foundation of exceptional leadership over the years, NASAO is well-positioned to continue its efforts to foster meaningful and positive impacts within the ever-evolving field of aviation. I look forward to working closely with our outstanding staff, our state aviation leaders, and our valued business partners to address industry challenges, explore innovative solutions, and seize opportunities that will enhance our nation’s air transportation system.”

Members of the 2023–2024 NASAO Executive Committee include:

–      Kyle Wanner, ND – NASAO Chair

–      Martin Blake, IN – NASAO Vice Chair

–      Clayton Stambaugh, IL – NASAO Treasurer

–      Frank Farmer, AL – NASAO Secretary

–      David Ulane, CO – NASAO Immediate Past Chair

Members of the 2023–2024 NASAO Regional Directors include:

–      Tim McClung, IA – Central Region

–      Greg Campbell, VA – Eastern Region

–      Michael Trout, MI – Great Lakes Region

–      Denise Garcia, MA – New England Region

–      Kenji Sugahara, OR – Northwest Mountain Region

–      John Paul Saalwaechter, TN – Southern Region

–      Grayson Ardies, OK – Southwest Region

–      Kurt Haukohl, NV – Western-Pacific Region