Members of the National Coalition for Aviation and Space Education (NCASE) held their annual meeting on Thursday, May 14th – this time virtually – conducting business, providing member and committee updates, and voting for directors and officers.

“We had planned to meet in person at FAA headquarters in Washington D.C. to conduct our annual meeting,” said Rol Murrow, President of NCASE. “Nevertheless, in spite of COVID-19, we were able to conduct our business and hold a very successful meeting.”
Eleven members participated in the video call which began with a presentation by member Wayne Fagan, Chair of the Dee Howard Foundation in San Antonio Texas. Mr. Fagan discussed the future of teaching and learning in light of our current crisis dealing with the coronavirus.
Kim Stevens, Betty Wilson, and Rol Murrow were re-elected as directors for a three-year term through 2022. The slate of officers being re-elected for a one-year term are Rol Murrow, President, Kim Stevens, Vice President, Betty Wilson, Secretary, and Jenine Johnson, Treasurer.
The National Coalition for Aviation and Space Education is a membership organization that was formed in 1993 when the founding member groups signed a formal charter and established a partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Together with the FAA, other agencies, aviation associations, educational groups, and others we actively promote aviation and space education while supporting schools’ initiatives at the local, state, and national levels.
For more information, please visit our website,