Unmanned Safety Institute to Collaborate with Textron Systems to Create Employment Pipeline for Collegiate Students

The Unmanned Safety Institute (USI) has announced their collaboration with Textron Systems to implement Aerosonde® Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SUAS) operator training into university curriculums, helping prospective unmanned systems operators with certification. USI will implement its safety education and skill-based curriculum and training frameworks to provide certifications in collaboration with select technical colleges and universities, […]

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Iowa Legislative Session Good to Aviation

The Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Aviation reports that the 2019 legislative session, which wrapped up last Saturday (April 27), has been good to aviation. While the State Aviation Fund continues to direct aviation fuel taxes and aircraft registration fees to airport development and safety programs, funding for vertical infrastructure projects like airport terminals […]

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North Carolina Recognized for Drone Use in Disaster Response

The North Carolina Department of Transportation has received national honors for its innovative use of drones during the state’s coordinated response to Hurricane Florence. NCDOT was awarded the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International’s XCELLENCE Award in the humanitarian category at the AUVSI’s annual XPONENTIAL conference this week. The award comes with a $5,000 prize, […]

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