GAMA and AIA Press U.S. Senate Leadership for Floor Time on FAA Reauthorization

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) joined together to call on U.S. Senate leadership to consider a bill authorizing programs of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as soon as possible. Congress has not enacted a multiyear authorization bill for the FAA since 2012, and that bill expired almost three years ago. Since September 2015, the agency has been working under a series of short-term extensions, including the current measure expiring on September 30, 2018.

As GAMA President and CEO Pete Bunce and AIA President and CEO Eric Fanning said in their letter calling for Senate action: “This comprehensive bill includes key FAA certification and regulatory reforms that will help bring new safety technologies to the market, strengthen aviation sales and exports, and more effectively utilize the resources of the FAA and industry “… Overall, the bill will have the impact of enhancing the aviation industry’s global competitiveness and stimulating exports and jobs.”

Enacting a multiyear reauthorization for the FAA is important because it provides clear legislative direction, stability and predictability for government and industry. Last year, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation bill included important reforms to the FAA’s certification and regulatory procedures and streamlined the agency’s international leadership and engagement. These provisions, many of which are also addressed in the House bill, are needed today for U.S. aircraft manufacturers and their suppliers to remain competitive in a fast-changing and increasingly competitive global marketplace. The aircraft manufacturing sector is one of our nation’s strongest net exporters, and these reforms are necessary to maintain that leadership.

The House recently passed its version of a long-term reauthorization bill (H.R. 4) and so it is imperative for the Senate to complete its consideration of S. 1405 as soon as possible, to allow adequate time for House and Senate negotiators to reach a final conference agreement by the end of September.
