Burlington Senior Squadron of Vermont Wing, CAP Conducts Monthly SAREX

Senior Member (SM) Jean-Charles Thouin prepares to board the Wing’s Cessna 182 aircraft for a SAREX training flight.

Photo above – Capt Anthony Derderian (left) and Mission Pilot Lt Col Don Majercik review SAREX flight plans.

The Burlington Squadron of the Vermont Wing (NER-VT-002) routinely practices its airborne search and rescue skills and technologies, while building aircrew and mission staff teams for aerial photo reconnaissance needed for natural disaster assessment, navigation; as well as visual search and electronic location tools needed to assist in finding missing aircraft, hikers and other targets.  These exercises emphasize safety, rapid deployment of our fuel-efficient Cessna 182 aircraft, and coordination with critical state and national agencies.

Lt Col Don Majercik makes final preparations for a SAREX training flight at the Squadron’s base at KBTV.

Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is America’s premier public service organization for carrying out emergency services and disaster relief missions nationwide. As the auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, CAP’s citizen volunteers are there to search for and find the lost and work to keep the homeland safe. Its 56,000 members selflessly devote their time, energy, and expertise toward the well-being of their communities, while also promoting aviation and related fields through aerospace education and helping shape future leaders through CAP’s cadet program.

The Burlington Squadron is located at Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport (KBTV) in S. Burlington, Vt. The Squadron is led by 1st Lt Heather K. Forcier.

All photos courtesy of SM James Buck (VT-002).

The Vermont Wing relies on a fleet of fuel-efficient Cessna 182 aircraft.